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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Cowles

Healing. Remembering. Celebrating. Rejoicing.

I started praying in early January 2020, before I had any knowledge of the cancer journey starting later that month, that God would help me to be the best version of myself I could be for His honour and glory. The last year has been a rough, bumpy, and sometimes lonely journey (many months of isolation), but we are rejoicing. Rejoicing that He is alive. Rejoicing that He is our friend and with us every single step of the journey. He has grieved with us, comforted and strengthened us, and celebrated with us.

The newborn lambs on the other side of our garden wall remind me that Jesus is our good Shepherd, and that we are all like sheep. We need Him. Do you know Him? He died for us, took the punishment for our sin, conquered death, and has given us forgiveness and freedom! He wants to give us life to the full. What does that look like? Explore it with us.

We are also celebrating new life as our little granddaughter, Julia Ruth Willis, arrived on Palm Sunday. And we are rejoicing at how far we have come in the last year. It was one year ago today that Steve had to shave my head because my hair was coming out by the handful and I couldn’t bear the thought of it being all over the bed, table and food. That day, Jesus gave me an image of Him holding us both as we sobbed together. Today, I am rejoicing in new hair, even if it’s completely different, and good health reports. :-)

Yesterday, we took our very first walk with a family since Covid started. Three months into the third lockdown, restrictions have lifted enough that we can now meet with people outside. Rejoice with us!

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1 Comment

Esther Johnston
Apr 08, 2021

So thankful that the Lord brought you through the time of suffering. Your face shines with the peace of Jesus. Your hair is beautiful!

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