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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Cowles

Good news 1 year and 1day after first surgery

Monday I had a wonderful FaceTime checkup with the oncologist. My cancer count couldn’t be better. No sign of any cancer at this time. And every single other blood level item is now in the normal range. Several were either a bit high or low in October due to chemo, but those have all corrected themselves now. Thanking and praising God and so thankful for your prayers.

Celebration time lockdown style: a local walk and prayer time 🙂. (The entire country is on a strict lockdown. Fines for disobeying are up to £10,000.) We are basically only going out for walks, but God is opening more doors for ministry remotely and also as we talk to people from our front door when they stop at our garden gate on their walks.

While the blood report is great news for now, we don’t know long-term. We have no idea if I was completely cured or if it’s simply in remission. It was a very aggressive cancer so the oncologist says my chances of it NOT coming back in 10 years is 60 to 70%. Even though it was caught super early, no symptoms, prophylactic operation to prevent it, and it was microscopic, it still could come back even after all that chemo. As my mother-in-law used to say “for this we have Jesus”. One day at a time, sweet Jesus. Learning to live with the uncertainty I wanted to avoid when I opted for the first prophylactic surgery a year ago...

One more prayer request: my sleep has been terrible lately. Worse than usual. It seems that my body is completely and utterly exhausted from the stresses of the past year. We are striving to live in a healthy way in this stringent lockdown. We are taking walks, trying new recipes, and I am exploring different avenues for help regarding my insomnia. Thank you for your prayers. We cannot express how deeply we appreciate them.

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Alexander Cardona-Martinez

It’s fine 😂


Debbie Cowles
Debbie Cowles

Sorry for the miss spelling Imogen


Debbie Cowles
Debbie Cowles

And thank you for your prayers!


Debbie Cowles
Debbie Cowles

Thank you, Alex and Imagen, and we would love to get together. It would be nice to have a lovely walk and cookout in the woods or something.


Alexander Cardona-Martinez

Great news about being no sign of cancer at this time, Imogen and I would love to catch up when we are finally allowed to. Clearly our prayers for your health have been answered! Keep safe, love Imogen and Alex x

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